Autism in the Anime Community: An
Panel Outline
Many people with autism belong to the anime fan community. Listen to an anime fan with autism discuss the reasons why people with autism enjoy anime, issues people with autism can face at anime conventions, and how the anime fan community can be more understanding of people with autism.
I am an adult with autism who has enjoyed anime since high school and has attended anime conventions since 2010. Anime Central in 2010 was my first anime convention. I have made many friends with autism at anime conventions, and am a fan of many unique types of anime. But I have also had many social struggles at anime conventions as well. In this presentation, I hope to discuss the issues that people with autism face within the anime community, based on my experiences and the experiences of my friends with autism who are anime fans.
The presentation will begin with brief introduction about myself and an overview regarding the population of individuals with autism in the anime community. I shall then divide my presentation into three parts, each with a topic regarding the subject of autism in the anime community. I will begin each part by presenting on each topic, and then opening the floor to the audience to share their opinions on each subject.
The three parts are as follows:
Part 1. What are the unique reasons that people with autism enjoy anime, and what brings people with autism to the anime fan community?
Part 2. What unique issues do people with autism face when they join the anime fan community, join anime fandoms, and attend anime conventions?
Part 3. How can the anime fan community be more accepting of people with autism within their community, and what strategies can be used to prevent struggles that people with autism can face at anime conventions?
The presentation will then conclude with time for the audience to ask questions about autism in the anime community.